Magazine Coordination
Carlos Mataix Aldeanueva
Full Professor in the Department of Organisational Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid.
Editor team
Andrea Amaya Beltrán
Professional in International Relations from the Universidad del Rosario, Colombia and Inter-University Master in Development and International Cooperation from the Technical and Complutense University of Madrid.
Simona Perfetti
Degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Bologna (Italy), a Master's degree in Development Cooperation from the University of the Basque Country and a Master's degree in Innovation.
Manuel Sánchez Montero
BA in Laws by the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid and also a Master Degree in Foreign Trade by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce.
Sol Benavente Martín
With an Administrative and Business Diploma.
Scientific Comittee
Marcel Bursztyn
PhD in socio-economics. Professor at the Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Brasília.
Marta de la Cuesta González
Professor of Economics and Business Studies and Professor of Applied Economics.
Isabel De la Torre Prados
Graduated with honors in History by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1968), and in Social Sciences by Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (1969). Doctorate Studies in Urban Sociology by l’École Practique des Hautes Études, Université de la Sorbonne (1972).
Gorka Espiau Idoiaga
Director of Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies (University of the Basque Country).
José Luis Fernández Fernández
PhD, MBA, Director of the Iberdrola Chair in Economic and Business Ethics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (ICADE) - Pontifical University Comillas.
Mª José García López
Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD in Economics and Business Sciences (UCM-2000) and in Sustainability (UPM-2004).
Juan Gimeno Ullastres
Graduate in Economics and Business Studies and Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD from the same University. Professor of Applied Economics at the UNED, of which he was Rector (2015-2013).
Luis González Muñoz
Agronomist engineer and specialized in agro-business administration, with a Masters in European policies on international cooperation and Executive program on leadership and social innovation.

Víctor Renes Ayala
Teresa Sánchez Chaparro
Professor at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Adrian Smith
Catedrático en Tecnología y Sociedad en la Science Policy Research Unit de la Universidad de Sussex.
Mercedes Varcárcel Dueñas
General Director of the Generation Spain Foundation, member of the board of trustees of the foundation for the administration of Triodos Bank shares and member of the expert forum of the Santa Lucía Institute.