Since March 2023, Revista Diecisiete is part of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), an index of scientific, academic and open access (and free) journals from around the world that meet high quality standards such as peer review and editorial quality control.
Presentation of our seventh issue: 'COVID-19 and its global impact beyond health'.
The sum of knowledge, collaboration and political will constitute The triad for managing major challenges 'COVID-19 and its global impact beyond health', in the new issue of Journal Seventeen, now available
Presentation "Migration and Refuge: Challenges and opportunities in a world on the move", sixth issue of Journal Seventeen
Journal Seventeen, published by itdUPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Action Against Hunger, presented last week its sixth issue with the title 'Migration and refuge: challenges and opportunities in a world on the move', which addresses the opportunities and challenges of migration governance on the global stage.
Presentation of the fifth issue of the journal on "Sustainable Finance"
"Presentation of the MOOC The role of SRI in achieving SDG"
Julián Romero, Lecturer in Applied Economics and Economic History, UNED
José Luis Ruíz de Munaín Fontcuberta, director of the National Advisory Board for Impact Investment (SpainNAB)
"Our whole life is shaped in relation to technology. We are already constituted as socio-technical environments".
Interview with Txetxu Ausín, director of the Applied Ethics Group at CSIC and co-author of the article "Ethics and Law in the Digital Revolution" in the latest issue of Journal Seventeen.