Mercedes Varcárcel Dueñas
General Director of the Generation Spain Foundation, member of the board of trustees of the foundation for the administration of Triodos Bank shares and member of the expert forum of the Santa Lucía Institute.
She holds a degree in Law and Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and a PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the UNED with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. She teaches social entrepreneurship and socially responsible investments in postgraduate courses at UNED and in the Master's Degree in Competitive Social Transformation at the Complutense University of Madrid. In 2017 she co-designed the social innovation module of the master's degree in NGO management at UNED and is a speaker at various forums. Her lines of research focus on social finance and the management and measurement of the social impact of third sector organisations. Founder and member of management bodies and advisory committees in social entities such as Economists without Borders, Spainsif and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.