Social Innovation for the Sustainability



Isabel de Felipe / Julian Briz

The work proposes a broad horizon of the basic needs of the human being, in different horizons: food, health, culture, social justice, among others, analyzing their causes and possible solutions. There are varying degrees of emergency problem-solving, with food supply appearing first, in close correlation with other modalities. Its complexity requires the participation of different professionals, framed in national and international organizations, as well as NGDOs. Technical and practical aspects are collected, emphasizing the root causes, which allows solutions to be proposed from their roots. There is a description of the current situation and its evolution in recent decades, evaluating the severity according to phases pre-established by experience. All this leads us to design solutions in the different types of hunger. It describes the experience acquired, mistakes made and available resources to end hunger, pending drama of Humanity, for which there are resources, but lack will.


  • Number: 9
  • Year: 2023
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2023_09.01