Social Innovation for the Sustainability


Basic Income and Women. Incentives and Disincentives. Its Effects on Equality and on Social Roles

Carmen Carrero Domínguez y Marta Navas-Parejo Alonso

The purpose of this analysis is to try to prove how the Basic Income can be an effective instrument to propel and achieve gender equality and how it correlates with wages and employment. For this, the authors will delimit the concepts involved, the scope within the Spanish legal framework and will try to demonstrate how the recognition of Basic Income helps to increase the freedom of decision of women and, therefore, their better legal position in the working market. Of course, with the aim of achieving greater equality when faced with the promotion of professionals, to more equal remuneration for equality of merit and ability and to entry into employment that does not involve overcoming gender barriers that currently exist, with the traditional stereotypes that the Labor Market maintains. Thus, it will be essential to analyze the possible incentives that salary or other working conditions may entail.


  • Number: 1
  • Year: 2019