Social Innovation for the Sustainability

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Items tagged with RENTAS MíNIMAS

From Minimum Income to Basic Income

Juan A. Gimeno

The objective of ensuring a decent quality of life for all citizens is sought through various programs of income guarantees or minimum income.

The Legal and Philosophical Grounds of the Universal Basic Income Proposal

Borja Barragué, Luis Arroyo Jiménez y Mª Celia Fernández Aller

This paper analyzes various reasons coming from political philosophy and positive law, which can justify the establishment of a universal basic income.

The implementation of a basic income in the Spanish social protection model: Social security system benefits and regional minimum income policies. Learning from the minimum income policy of the Region of Madrid

Susana Barcelón Cobedo y Ariadna Ayala Rubio

The debate about the possible introduction of a guaranteed basic income and the opportunity for it raises very different problems that go beyond the strictly financial ones, which, while being important, given the scarcity of public resources, are not the only ones to be addressed and, in no case, should they be exclusive.