Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


Financial models for a basic income in Spain

Javier Díaz Oyarzábal, Juan A. Gimeno Ullastres y Víctor Gómez Frías

For a growing collective of experts and social responsible, it is reasonable to admit that a model of automatic and unconditional basic income, is technically more efficient than the current set of measures of income support. But a doubt appears, paralyzing and, for many, disabling: the impression that a proposal like that is impossible to finance reasonably. In this decade, at least two significant attempts to quantify the needs for the implementation of a basic income have been featured in Spain, together by a financially-viable proposal to set up measurement. The first one, Arcarons, Raventós and Torrens (2013 and ff.). The second one, Gimeno (2014 and ff.), with many matches but also some differences. In this article, we recall these two models of financing a basic income in Spain. We will review the main issues and assumptions, we will try to update estimations and we will conclude with possible funding proposals, essentially in continuity of those original proposals. We will also open the debate to other alternatives.


  • Number: 1
  • Year: 2019
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2019_01.05