Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


The importance of financial inclusion in Mexico to the achievement of the SDGs

María del Carmen Dircio Palacios Macedo

The objective of this article is to address the importance of promoting financial inclusion in Mexico for the achievement of the SDGs, and to document various advances in this regard. In the first place, the relationships that have been found regarding the link between financial inclusion and different aspects of economic development are presented. Second, there is an overview of the lag in financial inclusion in Mexico, some recent advances are documented, and how these promote the achievement of the SDGs. Financial inclusion is explicitly included within SDG 8, in target 8.10. But it is also a means to achieve many of the other SDGs. Recognizing the problem of the lack of financial inclusion, in Mexico several strategies, public policies and changes in regulations have been followed, aimed at promoting financial inclusion. I present these advances, in addition to the efforts to quantify the role of banks in meeting the SDGs through an alliance between the United Nations Program (UNDP) in Mexico and the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM).


  • Number: 5
  • Year: 2021
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2021_05.03