Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1

Items tagged with PRECARIEDAD

Unemployment, precariousness, nutrition and health in a Spain in crisis

Noemí López-Ejeda, Antonio Vargas y María Dolores Marrodán

Unemployment and precariousness are one of the major determinants of poverty in Spain and have been aggravated by the economic crisis of the last decade. The lack of resources threatens the food security of families who are forced to adopt purchasing strategies that lead to a reduction in the consumption of fresh food and an increase in refined and ultraprocessed products.

Unemployment, precariousness, nutrition and health in a Spain in crisis

Noemí López-Ejeda, Antonio Vargas y María Dolores Marrodán

Unemployment and precariousness are one of the major determinants of poverty in Spain and have been aggravated by the economic crisis of the last decade. The lack of resources threatens the food security of families who are forced to adopt purchasing strategies that lead to a reduction in the consumption of fresh food and an increase in refined and ultraprocessed products.