Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


Multi-actor platforms in the new development agenda. An Analysis from the Experience of Ayuda En Acción

Fernando Mudarra y Jaime Díaz

Since the endorsement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the development sector is evolving. Globally, all actors engaged in these goals, and not only the NGOs, are trying to findways to have more impact and to achieve the common objectives.

Recognising the existence of these global development goals and challenges has led to more actors becoming interested in being part of the solution. The role of governments continues to be very important, but companies, universities or international financial funds are progressively more engaged, aware that the effects affect us globally and the solutions must involve us all.

In this article we intend to contribute from Ayuda en Acción, our experience as a Development NGO to advance the development of a new scheme of multi-stakeholder platforms that represent the current trends. We hope to contribute to the growth of the development sector in its adaption to the new reality as depicted in the Sustainable Development Goals. One example is our experience in the Work4 Progress de la obra social “La Caixa” Program, which the Ayuda en Acción Foundation is leading in Mozambique.


  • Number: 2
  • Year: 2020
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2020_02.06