Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


Partnerships, Essential Engine to Achieve the Challenges of the 2030 Agenda

Agustín Delgado Martín y Mónica Oviedo Céspedes

Iberdrola, world leader in renewable energy has integrated the 2030 Agenda into its strategy and corporate governance system, making it the central axis in decision making. These seventeen objectives represent a strategic plan for the private sector that means the only opportunity for growth in the medium and long term.

The private sector must work in partnership: work in a multi-stakeholder alliance included in SDG 17 is essential to achieve the rest of the objectives. The benefits of the partnerships are unquestionable, the credibility and licenses to operate of an activity that has been agreed and developed between multiple and different actors are obvious.


  • Number: 2
  • Year: 2020
  • DOI: 10.36852/2695-4427_2020_02.03