Social Innovation for the Sustainability

cab articu1


Multi-stakeholer partnerships and transformation: the Case of Alianza Shire

Dalia Mendoza y Alianza Shire

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) raise the possibility of aiming at transformation through the creation and strengthening of multi-stakeholder partnerships. Collaboration between the public and private sectors, NGOs and academia, and their interaction with agents on the ground creates an environment of innovation in the seek for sustainable solutions in the long-term. Alianza Shire, the first multi-stakeholder partnership for humanitarian action in Spain aims to develop innovative solutions for energy access in refugee camps in northern Ethiopia. This article presents Alianza Shire as a demonstrating experience of multi-stakeholder partnerships aiming at transformation. Its formation, the implementation of a pilot project, the scaling up to a second phase, and the approach of next steps involve a series of transformational aspects that ensure the creation of a collaborative value creation to achieve signifcant systemic change.


  • Number: 2
  • Year: 2020