Social Innovation for the Sustainability

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Items tagged with INVERSIóN DE IMPACTO

Opportunities and challenges for sustainable finance in the european banking industry

Pablo Esteban-Sánchez, Raquel Arguedas Sanz, Cristina Ruza Paz-Curbera

Over the last decade, the European Union and the European Banking Supervisory Authorities have carried out relevant initiatives to develop sustainable finance aimed at facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable and climate-neutral economy aligned with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement.

SRI in Spain: drivers, trends and forecasts from Spainsif

Andrea González González, Verónica Sanz Izquierdo

In recent years, sustainable and responsible investment in Spain has grown not only in the quantity of assets managed under Environmental, Social and Governance criteria, but in the sophistication of the selection, integration and influence strategies applied. 

Impact Investment, a growing market

Jose Luis Ruiz de Munain

Spain’s adhesion to the GSG has been a catalyst for increasing impact investment in our country, reaching a figure of 2,378 million Euros of managed capital in 2020. However, the market still does not have the volume and dynamism that would correspond to a country like ours. The success of this revolution requires the active involvement of the Public Sector, as has happened in our neighboring countries.